27-11-2010  15:12:40

Crackdown on corruption underway: Malik
 The interior minister stressed on the need for support by the masses for the anti corruption operation.
Interior Minister Rehman Malik on Saturday said that a crackdown on corruption is underway and no corrupt elements will be spared in the process.

Talking to the media at the Federal Investigations Agency (FIA) headquarters, Malik said more than 250 cases of corruption are being investigated by the FIA.

He said two former officers of the trading corporation of Pakistan have been arrested on allegations of corruption.

Malik added that five cases have been registered against former chairman of the NICL and an inquiry is also underway in this regard.

The interior minister stressed on the need for support by the masses for the anti corruption operation. So far more than 3,100 people have registered their complaints directly to him.

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