25-07-2010  17:01:59
Ulema show unity to flush out terrorism: Malik    
ISLAMABAD, Jul 4 (APP)- Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik on Sunday said that Ulema and religious leaders across the county have rejected militants’ conspiracies to destabilize Pakistan.Talking to different news channels after a meeting, Malik said the Ulema have submitted to the minister their recommendation for creating harmony among all the religious sects.He warned the ‘enemies’ that the nation has complete consensus on putting an end to terrorism and that the Ulema have already issued a ‘joint fatwa’ against the suicide attacks.
Ulema from across the country who met here with Interior Minister Rehman Malik adopted a resolution against terrorism.
They condemned suicide attacks and appealed to the nation to remain calm.  Rehman Malik said that terrorists were trying to fan sectarian  riots.

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