25-07-2010  17:02:52
Islamabad to be made ‘Safe City’: Rehman Malik    
ISLAMABAD, Jul 2 (APP): Interior Minister A. Rehman Malik on Friday said Islamabad would be made first ‘Safe City’ of the country under the ‘Safe City project’.Inaugurating the building of Police Station Shezad Town, the Minister said under the Safe City project, electronic system would be installed at police checkposts, FIR system would be made computerized and capacity building of police would be done.He said nine police stations of the Capital have been computerized where printed FIRs are being provided to complainants, adding “I directed the IGP to ensure issuance of printed FIRs by all police stations of Islamabad.”
The Minister said in order to reduce response time to any crime, the budget of police has been enhanced from 34 to 36 per cent to equip them with modern training and equipment.
In addition to this, he said, three vehicles would be provided at all police stations of the Capital and one vehicle would be at the disposal of each SHOs.
Malik further said that he has approved budget for provision of more vehicles to police force, adding that a housing society would be established in federal capital for the police officials.
Appreciating the performance of Islamabad police in curbing crimes and terrorist incidents, he said the Capital police averted a number of terrorist incidents in the past.
While condemning the terrorist incident of Lahore, he said the terrorists have no religion and they are enemies of the humanity and mercenaries.
He said banned outfits Lashkar-e-Jehgvi, Sipa-e-Sahaba, TTP and Al-Qaeda were carrying out terrorist activities to de-stabilize the country.
He said that the security forces have defeated terrorists in Swat and Malakand and terrorists have turned toward settled areas of Punjab and other provinces with a purpose to de-stabilize Pakistan.
He said that capacity building of police force is imperative to improve law and order situation, adding that the provinces have been directed to give priority to police force.
Later, the Interior Minister gave a cheque of Rs. 1,000,000 to widow of police martyred Shamshad Akbar who embraced Shahadat in an encounter with dacoits.
The Minister announced promotion of ‘Shaheed’ Shamshad Akbar to the rank of ASI and said that her widow would get the pension to the ASI.
He further announced police medal for the martyred and said the government would bear the expenses of education of his children.
The Minister also affixed batches to Dr. Moeen and Ehsan Iqbal on their promotion to the rank of SSP in Grade 19.
Speaking on the occasion, IG Islamabad, Kaleem Imam said that there were a total 15 police stations in the Federal Capital and efforts were underway for construction of building of police stations.
He said the facilities to police force would ultimately improve the efficiency and performance, adding that the year 2009 was a challenge for Capital police.
He said the Capital police foiled a number of terrorist incidents with the help of citizen, NGOs, media and other security institutions.
He expressed gratitude to the federal government for enhancing the budget for Capital police.
Chief Commission Taiq Pirzada said that the role of police in the war against terrorism have changed the negative mindset of the people for police force.
He said enhancement of resources would improve the efficiency of the police forces.

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