25-07-2010  17:18:45

Maldives FM calls on Rehman Malik 


Foreign Minister of Maldive Dr Ahmad Rasheed called on Interior Minister Rehman Malik to discuss bilateral relations here on Thursday.Appreciating the counter terrorism efforts of Pakistan, Dr Shaheed said that Maldives supports Pakistan in the war on terrorism and wants to strengthen relations with Pakistan, says a press release.Rehman Malik said that Pakistan also want better relations with Maldives and desisres to bolster bilateral relations in the areas of mutual interest.
Pakistan would train more than 20 Maldivean police officers and ease visa process for students to attain education here in Pakistan, said Rehman.
Dr Shaheed thanked Pakistan for extradition of nine persons to Maldives caught by Pakistan from the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).
Federal Interior Secretary Qamar Zaman and Maldives’ Ambassador to Pakistan were also present in the meeting.

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