13-04-2011  12:07:41
No army operation in Balouchistan province: Rehman Malik
ISLAMABAD, April 6 (APP) Federal Minister for Interior Rehman  Malik said on Wednesday that there was no army operation in any part of the Balouchistan province and force was depolyed around the Sui only for the protection of installation.Balouchistan Liberation Army (BLA) was involved in subversive activities and targeting the innocent people, he said while talking to reporters outside the Parliament House, adding that no angency was invloved in subversive activities in the province of Balouchistan.Replying to a question, the minister said that the goverment taking strict action aginst those criminals which are creating hurdles in law and order.
“Goverment will consult with patriot persons and any subversive sititutaion will be handled with iron hand for the safety of masses in Balouchistan province” he said.To another question, Rehman Malik said PPP govement had always  provided rights to common people of Balouchistan province and Agaz-e- Haqooke Balouchistan package was its example.

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