14-04-2011  12:40:25
Drone attacks create problems for government: Rehman Malik
ISLAMABAD, April 13 (APP): Minister for Interior, Rehman Malik said on Wednesday that drone attacks create problems for the government and help terrorist to get sympathy of local people.“Pakistan can combat terrorism if drone technology is provided to us. The government is trying to stop the drone attacks through diplomatic channels,” he told reporters outside the Parliament House.The Minister while lauding the role and sacrifices of Pakistan Army and Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), said country’s brave forces have been fighting against terrorism and extremism for the sovereignty and security of the country and nation respect their sacrifices.
To a question, he said the reference in Supreme Court to re-open Shaheed leader Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s case is aimed at stopping the judicial murder of any political leader in future by any dictator.
Rehman Malik said Z A Bhutto was a great leader and every citizen of country know he (Bhutto) was innocent.
To another question, he hoped, reopening the case would undo a historic wrong.

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