27-04-2011  13:19:43
Clues found in Navy bus blasts: Rehman Malik
KARACHI, April 26 (APP): Interior Minister Rehman Malik Tuesday disclosed that ‘good clues’ have been found in cases of twin blasts targeting Pakistan Navy buses here on Tuesday.At least 4 persons were killed and 56 injured in two attacks in Defence area and Baldia Town early in the morning.“We have found good clues and hopefully will nab the culprits,” Malik said while addressing a press conference at Chief Minister’s House after presiding over a high level meeting on law and order.Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah, IGP Sindh Fayyaz Leghari, CCPO Karachi, representative officials of Rangers Sindh, DIGs and intelligence officials were also present.
“In future, it will be our effort to siege the area of incident and not allow entry of any person at the place of incident to facilitate forensic experts to complete their task,” Malik said and warned that terrorists could take advantage of the situation by causing subsequent sabotage.
He said the Interior Ministry was tracing all acts of terrorism and its roots with the assistance of intelligence agencies and police department.
On the occasion, he appreciated the role of the police officials for arresting 58 target killers in the metropolis and said that all involved in the mission will be duly awarded. “We have all the information and hopefully make further arrests,” he maintained.
Malik said that he has already discussed the issue of law and order with the top leadership of MQM and ANP and other political parties to curb the menace of target killings and arrest black sheeps.
“Police and Rangers have been empowered fully to take action against criminal elements,” he pointed out while replying to various queries.
He said that during the last four month 558 murders were reported in the city and only 153 were those related to target killings.
To a question, the Interior Minister said that recommendations have been made to the Law Ministry for amendments in the Evidence Act and Anti-Terrorism  Act so that all lacunas in the laws providing save passage to the criminals may be plugged.
“We are taking everyone on board to bring changes in the laws,” he maintained.
Earlier, Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah also spoke and condemned the attacks on Pakistan Navy personnel.“We are hopeful and confident to detect this act of terrorism,” he said.

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