14-07-2011  12:08:06
Foreign agencies involved in Balochistan situation: Malik
QUETTA, July 13 (APP): Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik has said that foreign intelligence agencies were involved in law and order situation in Balochistan adding that however, with the government’s measures, security condition was improved in the province. He said this while addressing news conference along with Federal Information Minister Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan after the federal cabinet meeting at Chief Minister Secretariat here on Wednesday. “I have held meeting with ISI and MI to discuss the target killing and recovery of bullet-riddled bodies in Balochistan and I have proof that foreign intelligence agencies are involved in Balochistan’s law and order situation to meet their nefarious designs,” Malik said adding that however, now situation was in control and peace was being secured in the province.
He said that he had information about the people who received money for throwing hand grenade and killing innocent people in Balochistan.
He said that government was ready to hold dialogue with anger Baloch nationalists adding that however, no one would be allowed to set Pak Flag on fire.
“Pakistan will not disintegrate as it was created to live for ever,” he added.
He said that some foreign forces were creating hatred in Balochistan as they did not want to see Pakistan as stable and developed country.
He said that after the devolution plan and provincial autonomy, Balochistan itself would take its decisions instead of the federation.
He said that stern action would be taken against law enforcement personnel found involved in smuggling of diesel and sugar.
He said that now less incidents of target killing were being reported in Balochistan as law and order situation had been improved.
He said that people belonging to any nationality living in Balochistan for long time had rights of citizen of the province.
He said that 35 check-posts of the Frontier Corps Balochistan had been abolished and Coast Guards had been limited along coastline.
Responding to a question, he said, “Law and order is provincial subject and the federal government is extending its assistance to Balochistan government for peace”.

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