25-07-2010  18:00:51

Faisal Shahzad's links traced to SWA: Rehman
Interior Minister Rehman Malik Wednesday revealed that Faisal Shahzad, arrested by the US for carrying out a failed bid to blow a fireball in Times Square on May 1, had links in South Waziristan. Rehman Malik said investigations into Faisal Shahzad case are presently underway. However, he added, that no one has so far been arrested, private news channel reported. “Faisal Shahzad had links in South Waziristan and his accounts are in focus for investigation,” the Interior Minister told the reporters.

He said the government honors the decision of the Supreme Court regarding Hafiz Saeed and urged the Indian authorities to accord similar respect to the verdicts of Pakistani courts. “We had also honored the Indian courts’ decision against Ajmal Kasab,” he said.

Rehman called for a joint struggle against terrorism by Pakistan, India and Afghanistan.

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