18-09-2011  13:17:57
Malik seeks cooperation of internet service providers for eliminating terrorism
ISLAMABAD, Sep 17 (APP): Interior Minister A Rehman Malik Saturday urged the internet service providers to extend help for exterminating the menace of terrorism from the country.Talking to mediamen here at FIA headquarters, he said the government would be compelled to block certain internet service provider’s sites, if they did not extend cooperation to the government.Taliban and other terrorist organisations were sharing intelligence through internet and curbing these activities was imperative, he said. Expressing satisfaction on improved situation in Karachi he said “certain elements have been claiming that government has failed to establish peace in Karachi and Karachi should be handed over to Army.
But the situation has changed  and peace  now prevails there .I have fulfilled my promise. We all are brothers and we are Pakistanis first.”
Responding to a question he said he had no personal grudge against Jeay Sindh Quomi Mahaz (JSQM) chairman Bashir Qureshi nor he was behind his arrest. A judicial inquiry could be held in this respect.
Regarding performance of FIA he said the salaries of FIA employees would be enhanced significantly in the next budget.
Further steps  would be taken  to improve the performance of FIA and competent lawyers would be selected for the legal branch, he said.
He said he has directed the FIA to eliminate gray traffic. In future the circle head of FIA and relevant PTA officials would be held responsible for gray traffic in their areas.
Malik said FIA has also been directed to devise a strategy to check human trafficking.Now the deported Pakistanis would be investigated on return to know about the real culprits of human trafficking.
Speaking on the occasion Chairman Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) Dr Mohammad Yaseen said that   during  the last two years 44 raids have been conducted against gray traffic and 102 persons have been arrested.

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