25-07-2010  18:02:04

Govt committed to Balochistan's development: Rehman Malik
Interior Minister Rehman Malik said on Tuesday the government was committed to the development and prosperity of Balochistan. He was delivering a lecture on law and order issues in the country, especially Balochistan at the third media conference at National Defence University.

He added the government was taking earnest steps to raise living standard of people in Balochistan and Aghaz-e-Haqooq Balochistan package was an example in this regard.

He said in collaboration with Balochistan government, efforts were under way to further improve law and order situation in Balochistan and all resources were being utilized to achieve the objective.

The minister briefed the participants in detail about government’s efforts aimed at eradicating poverty and further improving security situation in Balochistan.

He confidently replied to questions put by participants who appreciated for having detailed answers.

The minister was warmly received upon arrival.

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