07-11-2011  15:54:56

Overall law, order under control: Malik

KARACHI, Nov 7 (APP): Interior Minister Rehman Malik has
expressed his satisfaction on the overall law and order situation in
"Street crimes are the major concern all over the country but
overall situation of law and order is under control with due
efficiency of the police and Rangers in Karachi," he said while
talking to media persons after offering Eid ul Azha prayer at Babul Islam mosque on Monday.
He said that directives have been issued to the police and other
law enforcing agencies to curb all criminal activities.
Referring to collection of hides of sacrificial animals, Rehman Malik
said that the government has already issued directives in this regard and a code of conduct has been chalked out.
He further stated that no group or person will be allowed to collect
hides forcibly in Karachi or elsewhere.

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