13-11-2011  13:32:51
Law and order situation improved but not ideal: Malik
LAHORE, Nov 9 (APP)- Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik on Wednesday said that law and order situation in the country had improved, but it was not yet ideal.He was talking to newsmen during his visit to the mausoleum of National Poet Dr Allama Muhammad Iqbal on the occasion of Iqbal Day.Malik said Pakistan was passing through a very critical situation which needed unity among all segments of the society.Replying to a question, he rejected the impression that Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) was playing the role of a friendly opposition.The entire nation was aware of the PML-N’s behaviour with the PPP (Pakistan People’s Part), especially in the Parliament, he said.
Malik added that one should realise that whether or not his action was in accordance with the Constitution of Pakistan. “The policy of ‘Not to play and let not to play’ after every two to three years is not correct,” he maintained.
 Responding another query, he said that they had never used unparliamentary language against any one at the party (PPP) level. “We are totally against such people, who go to that extent,” he added.
 Rehman Malik added,”If anybody (PML-N) has objection on any issue, it must take up it in the Parliament”.
 Regarding Shahbaz Sharif’s harsh statements against the President, he hoped that he (Shahbaz) would perhaps not utter such statements in future.
 Answering to a reporter’s query, Malik said that at an appropriate time, he would debunk the myth about Imran Khan’s public meeting in Lahore that who provided the flags and people for the success of show.
 He warned that elements wanting to topple the PPP-led democratic government, must keep in mind that they (PPP) were also fully aware of the happenings/conspiracies.
 Replying to a question, he said that at the 17th SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) Conference, the matters related to security, economic and other would be discussed. “We want to stabilize Pakistan,”he said,adding that Pakistan’s relations with India had now improved.
 The Interior Minister also stressed the need for promoting Allama Iqbal’s philosophy among the youth, citing “Iqbal’s philosophy is actually the basis of Pakistan’s creation.”
 He also offered Fateha and laid a wreath at the mausoleum and noted his impressions about the Poet of East and philosopher in the Visitors Log.

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