13-11-2011  13:33:15
Malik urges fair play in politics
ISLAMABAD, Nov 9 (APP): Federal Minister for Interior Abdul Rehman Malik on Wednesday asked the political opponents to respect people’s mandate and play a “fair game” in politics in the larger national interest.He said in a statement that the people of Pakistan had rejected match-fixing and ball tampering in Cricket, there should be no ball tampering and dirty match fixing in politics too.“The people have reposed confidence in the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) and coalition partners and opposition must learn to honour that. This will not only bring prosperity and stability in the country but also strengthen the nascent democracy,” he added.
Rehman Malik expressed the hope that the opposition would pay due consideration to his message and would not go for a venture that would be in contrast to democratic norms and political traditions.
He asked Taliban to surrender, come to mainstream and work for the prosperity of Pakistan and explore extensive employment opportunities present in the country. The government is ready to hold talks with Taliban and disgruntled Balochs, he added

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