25-07-2010  18:09:59

 Federal Minister for Interior Senator A. Rehman Malik talking to the media persons after visiting the worship place in of Ahmadis sect in Model Town. 
While talking to the media in Model town Lahore, Malik said Jaish-e-Mohammad, Lashkar-i-Jhangvi and Sipah-e-Sahaba were allies of Taliban and al-Qaeda.

He said terrorists were trying to spread sectarianism in the country after their failure.
Malik requested the media not to promote terrorists as heroes and said Ulema from all the sects should condemn terrorism and try not to become instruments in the hands of terrorists.

He said that terrorists were operating throughout the country and were not confined to a single province.

Responding to another question, Malik said he cannot say any thing about the involvement of the Indian agency RAW in the Lahore attacks because there was no evidence to support it.

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