25-07-2010  18:16:12

Nobody will be allowed to violate law: Malik 


Interior Minister Rehman Malik Friday said, nobody can be allowed to disrupt law and order situation in the Capital and sought from the Chair to evolve certain SOPs to hold rallies in Islamabad. “I regret Thursday’s incident of shelling. But, demanding one’s rights does not mean to affect others rights. Some disgruntled elements tried to violate the law yesterday,” he said. “Despite that they were forbidden to enter into Red Zone, some people deliberately tried to create law and order situation, burnt the vehicles and tortured police personnel,” he informed National Assembly on Thursday’s shelling on protesting LHWs.
The Health Minister was talking to them seeking formation of a delegation to resolve the issue. But, they tried to enter Red Zone and reach the parliament building and the Supreme Court, Malik said.
“It was an effort by some unlawful people who not only burnt vehicles but also injured 39 police personnel,” he added.
However, the minister said, out of 40 arrested 30 people were released till night on personal guarantees. “We shall release remaining as well but there should be some SOPs to hold protests and agitation in the federal capital.”
The matter was raised on a point of order by member Khush Bakht Shujat pleading that it was unjust to torture women in a democratic regime. “We the women parliamentarians should raise voice for their rights and the Interior Minister should explain why they were tortured.”
Minister for Population Welfare Firdous Ashiq Awan also supported her point as valid and said, it is an issue of salary structure and Health Ministry is deeply engaged with them.
“Though it is a donor driven program, yet we desire to revise their salary and scales and provincial government should also work on it,” she said.
She said provinces also need to take ownership of the program and condemned the incident seeking an investigation.
Speaker Dr Fehmida Mirza said Women Caucus means to think over women problems rising above politics and I have myself taken notice of Thursday’s incident.
She also stated that explanation by Rehman Malik did not justify. I am constituting a House Committee with representation from each party to investigate the reasons.
She however upheld that nobody should violate the law. Rule of law is imperative and violent protests should not be allowed.
On this Rehman Malik said, a Magisterial inquiry has already been ordered and report will be presented to the House.
Meanwhile, Minister for Labor and Manpower, Syed Khursheed Shah said, the job structure for the LHWs was temporary and they were allowed to work in their respective areas on a specific stipend.
There is some problems in rules and procedures to enhance their salaries and regularize their services, he said and added, however it is policy of the government to regularize adhoc and contract employees.
He said despite constraints, the government has already given Rs 1000 raise in their salaries.
Meanwhile MNA Sherry Rehman raised another incident of raping a girl by the Police and said, the Police was pressurizing an earlier victim of rape from Attock.
“Police is influencing her to change her statement. Is there no one to investigate against the police. Should this parliament not take notice of such incidents,” she said and also mentioned to another women from Sindh who has been declared as ‘Kari.’
She said the families of influential people enjoy full security and protocol but poor people often fall victim to police high handedness.
To another point of order, Interior Minister Rehman Malik assured full security for parliament lodges though he identified to certain problems regarding unauthorized dwellers.
“Let us convene another meeting of the Committee formed for the purpose. Meanwhile, more security will be ensured for the member,” he said in response to a point of order by Sher Akbar Niwani.
Niwani had mentioned to the presence of an unauthorized person in lodges who had enmity with him and the security personnel had allowed him to enter the lodges.   
Sherry Rehman had also mentioned that Economic Survey was not laid before the House to which Minister for Petroleum Syed Naveed Qamar stated, it is laid along with other budget documents on the day of presentation of the budget.

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