25-07-2010  18:19:07

JUI(F) to continue support for democracy: Malik


Interior Minister Rehman Malik said on Monday that Jammiat-e-ulema Islam (F) assured to continue its support for strengthening democracy in the country. Rehman Malik said this that after holding a meeting with Chief of  Jamiat-e-ulema Islam Maulana Fazlur Rehman.A press release says that the  meeting between the two leaders was held in congenial atmosphere and various issues of national interests came under discussion.
Interior Minister said Maulana Fazlur Rehman is our friend and he assured his party support for democracy and Pakistan Peoples Party.
He said for JUI(F) will continue its support to the government for overcoming prevailing  challenges and bringing prosperity to the nation.
On this occasion, Maulana Fazlur Rehman said that they want to move forward democratic process and it was our collective responsibility to put the country on path of progress and prosperity.

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