25-07-2010  18:28:59

Malik assures Federal govt cooperation for maintaining peace in Karachi



Interior Minister Abdul Rehman Malik,called on Sindh Governor Dr. Ishrat-ul-Ebad Khan at Governor House here on Friday.In the meeting, th law and order situation and various matters of importance came under consideration.Reviewing the recent incidents in the city, they expressed the resolve that safety and security of citizen’s life and property would be   ensured  at all costs and the conspiracy of elements involved would be foiled.
The Governor informed that he had held consultation with Ulema and steps would be ensured for religious harmony.
He said sometimes attempts are made to create religious and sometimes ethnic differences under a conspiracy so that unrest and chaos are spread in the country.
The Government, Ulema and people would jointly thwart such nefarious designs, he said.
The Interior Minister assured of all cooperation from federal government and said that law enforcing organisations are fully alert and functioning.
He also felicitated the Governor on the founding day of APMSO.

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