25-07-2010  18:31:53

Situation under control in Karachi: Malik told Senate



Interior Minister Rehman Malik informed the Senate on Tuesday that situation was under control in Karachi and criminal gangs were being hunted down. Responding to a point of order, the Minister said there were two criminal gangs in Karachi who were fighting in Liyari area and killing innocent people.
“Peace would be ensured and no body would be allowed to take law into hands,” he added.He said it was a conspiracy where foreign hands were involved.  The Pakistan Army and other security forces were taking action. “We are not sleeping, we are aware of the facts,” he added.
He said these elements earlier tried to ignite ethic riots in Karachi. When they failed in their nefarious designs they were now trying to spread sectarianism.
He said investigations into the incidents revealed that it was neither the issue of ‘Shia’ or ‘Suuni’ nor ‘Barehlivi’ or ‘Deudbani’ rather it was a well-knitted conspiracy.
Malik said that a committee, comprising representatives of different schools of thought has been constituted to resolve the issue of sectarianism.
He said a meeting would be convened next week to create interfaith harmony and to calm down the situation adding that Ulema and Wafaq-ul-Madaris would be invited to participate in the meeting.
He further said land mafia was also involved in the law and order situation in Karachi, who were playing in the hands of anti-state elements.
He said it had been decided that all SHOs of Sindh would hold meetings with notables of their respective areas to set up peace committees.          
The Minister said that the anti-state elements were involved in terrorist activities in different parts of the country, but concerted efforts of all the provincial governments impeded their nefarious designs.
He said the Interior Ministry was providing a real time intelligence and logistic support to the provincial governments in curbing the crimes.
“It is time to sit together to get rid of these menaces,” he said.
The Deputy Chairman asked the Leader of the House that the House desired to take a briefing from the Interior Minister regarding law and order situation in the country.
The Interior Minister said that he was ready to give an in-camera briefing on all the issues pertaining to law and order situation to the House any time. He said that he would provide minute details to House on the issue.

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