25-07-2010  18:35:15

Malik allegations about telecom company
Interior Minister Rehman Malik on Wednesday while refuting the allegations leveled against him called for constituting a committee to investigate the matter adding, "I will resign if these allegations are proved against me".

Speaking on a point of personal explanation in the National Assembly, he said that he had resigned from chairmanship of a company operative abroad after coming into politics and the company did not exist anymore. "I can produce documentary proof that I have resigned from the company," he remarked.

Rehman Malik said that he had served Rs. 5 billion defamation notice on Dawn newspaper besides producing documentary documents.

He claimed, "I did my best to create a culture of consensus in the country. I played a role to bring back Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed and Mian Nawaz Shraif to the country in order to end the culture of victimization from the homeland.'

Rehman Malik said when he assumed the portfolio interior minister, he had resigned from the business.

"I challenge in the House if the allegation leveled against me are proved, I will tender my resignation," he added.

He clarified that he had to leave the country due to threat to his life and his family.

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