27-07-2010  23:53:23
Anti-Terrorism amendment bill moved to Senate       
ISLAMABAD, July 27 (APP): The government on Tuesday moved the Anti-Terrorism (Amendment) Bill 2010 to the Senate to amend the anti-terrorism act 1997. Minister for Interior Rehman Malik moved the bill to the House urging to suspend rules for immediately taking up the bill as he stated, there was an urgent need of this law.
But, opposition member Prof Ibrahim objected the assertions of Malik and said, as the bill relates to future of the country, therefore it should be discussed in detail at the House Committee on Interior.
Senator Safdar Abbasi also supported Prof Ibrahim and said, legislation is prerogative of this House. Amendments have been proposed in 25 sections, therefore it should be discussed threadbare at the committee.
Shahid Bugti also proposed proper deliberation at Committee as he stated that such laws were misused in the past.
On this, Interior Minister agreed with notions of the members though he requested the Chair to set a time frame for deliberations and bring the bill back to the House.
Leader of the House in the Senate Nayyer Bokhari proposed that the committee should be given time till Friday and the bill should come to the House by Monday.
After evolving consensus, Acting Chairman Senate Mir Jan Jamali referred the bill to Standing Committee with direction to complete deliberations by Friday and bring the bill to the House by Monday so it may be discussed for next three days.  

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