01-08-2010  10:16:42
Baloch militant outfits killed 252 settlers in 2010: Senate told       
ISLAMABAD, Jul 27 (APP): Minister for Interior Rehman Malik on Tuesday informed Senate that militant outfits in Balochistan killed as many as 252 settlers since January to July 2010, on behest of foreign hands, assuring the House to furnish photo evidences on militants’ activities in an in-camera briefing. Winding up discussion on resolutions admitted by the House on demise of Baloch leaders Habib Jalib Baloch and Maula Bakhsh Dashti, the interior minister told the House that the parallel military forces raised by some Baloch leaders have killed three army officers, 21 officials of FC, 29 of police, 26 settlers from Punjab, 21 from Pukhtoonkwa, 12 from Sindh and 112 from other parts of the country.
“Terrorism is pervading the country including Punjab, Pukhttonkhwa, Sindh and Gilgit-Baltistan. Does it mean they all should raise liberation armies? Balochistan is part of Pakistan, they why the settlers are being killed there,” he questioned.
He said there is no concept of violations, liberation forces, Lashkars and armies in political parties but contrary to that four such forces are operating in Balochistan, in what he said are being funded by the foreign elements poised to destabilize the country by disrupting peace in Balochistan, the hub of natural resources.
The Interior Minister questioned parliamentarians from Balochistan as why they do not react when national flag is set on fire in their province where youth is being misused by anti-state elements to undermine national integrity and stability.
“Balochistan Liberation Army is being run by Harbiyar.  Balochistan Republic Army is also in action there despite the fact the country already has its own army. Dr Allah Nazar is heading Balochistan Liberation Front and Javed Mengal has raised Lashkar-e Balochistan,” he informed the House.
All of these forces, he said, are meant to fight against Pakistan army and mentioned to a college in Balochistan where the national flag cannot be hoisted and national anthem played.
He said the elimination of liberation forces is a must for the country’s stability and peace, adding the PPP leadership rendered numerous sacrifices but they never stood against national integrity.
He assured the House to furnish evidences to the members in an in-camera briefing for which he sought a time and informed the House that as many as 100,000 people have migrated from Balochistan.
Regarding the assassination of political leaders, he said only pro-Pakistan leadership is being killed as the militant outfits consider them as an impediment in fulfillment of their nefarious designs.
“Habib Jalib was pro-Pakistani leader. A judicial inquiry has been ordered into his assassination and I will inform the House as final report comes,’ said the minister.
Hinting at involvement of Allah Nazar’s group in killing Maula Bakhsh Dashti, the minister said evidence on the matter will be given in in-camera briefing, asking the family members of Nawab Akbar Bugti to pursue FIR on Nawab’s murder, registered on directives of high court.
“I will disclose before you; who the hidden hands are, who use them and where they are trained. The elements poised to destabilize the country use them as tool as they did in Swat and Malakand,” said the minister reiterating no compromise with militants until they surrender arms.
“Even today I ask them to throw their arms and seek forgiveness from Allah. Everyone acting against national stability will have to face action. I repeatedly say, Taliban are not well wishers of Pakistan,” he added.
Interior Minister Rehman Malik said, there are evidences of infiltration from Afghanistan and the issue was raised with the Afghan government and the US authorities.
He also mentioned to arms transportation into Pakistan in Mohmand and Bajaur area as well as arrest of 1076 Nooristanis including Uzbeks, Tajiks, Middle East inhabitants and Afghans.
“We have also raised the issue with Indian Home Minister and we hope some positive results. But, there is need to think, from where these people get support. Certainly, these are hostile elements supporting them,” he added.
The minister also questioned the source of income for Harbyar Marri and Brahamdakh Bugti and said, “if you hide Lashkars in streets of Makran, how can we say them patriotic. This is injustice with Balochistan. If we shall not pay heed, we shall face losses.”
“Let us not involve in blame game,” he said and proposed the Chair to constitute a committee to ponder the core issues of Balochistan.
Rehman Malik mentioned to initiation of Aghaz Huqooq-e-Balochistan by the Prime Minister and said, let us talk about Pakistan. Let the Lashkars hoist Pakistan’s flag and respect National Anthem and come to mainstream and give a commitment to nation, they will not fight against the country.
He said Balochistan is rich in minerals and natural resources and is future of Pakistan. “But, enemies of Pakistan are inclined to hamper our progress. They are against development of our people.”
“If we shall not awake to these realities, it will be too late. Let us ban these outfits as they are not political forces. If they snatch money from FC personnel and kill them, can they be patriotic,” he added.
The Interior Minister said, law enforcing agencies are there to maintain peace and if peace shall not be maintained, there will be violence and ‘violence breeds violence.’
But he added, “we cannot deal with Balochistan without local support,” and sought support from Parliamentarians and political forces in the province.
He also offered to show evidence to Balochistan leaders for their satisfaction and said, “we have the blue print about what they want to do. Integrity of our country is supreme to us. If we have defeated Taliban, we shall defeat other saboteurs also.”
He reiterated firm resolve of the government to establish writ of the government when and where needed and mentioned to Karachi situation where, he said, three-pronged strategy comprising administrative, operational and political, has been started to control crimes and target killing.
“This strategy has generated positive results and situation will improve hopefully,” he added.

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