03-08-2010  23:29:55

Normalcy returning; action against militants launched: Malik  

ISLAMABAD, Aug 3 (APP): Minister for Interior Rehman Malik on Tuesday told Senate that normalcy is returning in Karachi after riots over assassination of MPA Raza Haider and the law enforcement agencies have started targeted action against elements disrupting peace. “The agitations have been controlled. All it became possible due to the sensibility exhibited by leadership of Muttahida Qaumi Movement and Awami National Party who appealed their workers not to indulge into unlawful activities,” said the minister apprising the House on the latest situation in Karachi.


He reiterated that the country is in state of war as the elements, poised to destabilize the country, are targeting Karachi after their defeat in Swat and Malakand, but “the government will make all out efforts to flush them out.”
Substantiating his words on involvement of defunct Sipah-e Sahaba Pakistan, Rehman Malik said the information on the plan to assassinate MQM leader was disclosed by Shakeel Barni, an arrested activist of the said outfit.
“They had designed to murder three MQM leaders including Raza Haider and carry out two suicide attack in the funeral ceremony.  Shakeel had links with Qari Hussain in South Waziristan, the latter proved having been staying in Karachi sometime back,” the minister disclosed.
He informed the House that the arrested militant had also identified 32 of his accomplices plotting the murder of MQM leaders that had been conveyed to the target as well. Subsequently, the late MPA was advised to restrict his movement and was also given security cover at his residence and the movement but unfortunately, he was target-killed in the mosque. 
“Shakeel had links with Sipah-e Sahaba Pakistan. During this process, another nexus of SSP, Lashkar-e Jhangvi and Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan has come to knowledge,” he told the Senate.
Rehman Malik said initially, both MQM and ANP indulged in trade allegation over the murder but he disclosed to them the involvement of SSP, though the matter is subject to further investigation.
“A high level probe has been initiated comprising experts from ISI, IB, FIA and forensic experts. We have also taken 120 activists of SSP into custody,” he said adding that insurgents have strong ability of militancy but a targeted action has been started.
“I talked to Altaf Hussain to cool down the charged sentiments of party activist. ANP leadership has also condoled over murder of MQM leaders and appreciatively assured to act against any ANP worker if the former has any doubt,” said Rehman Malik.
He said the reaction and agitation over the murder of MQM leader was natural; however, he had sought a report as to why the action against the people involved in unlawful activities was delayed.
He told the House the government has found some clues during the probe and hoped that it would shortly reach the conclusion, requesting the parties to show patience as the investigation would ascertain all the matters.
“Since 0400 hours in the morning, there has been no agitation.  Director General Rangers has also reported that the situation is turning normal,” said the minister.
As far as law and order situation in Balochistan is concerned, the interior minister reassured the House to brief member in an in-camera briefing as it involves some sensitive information that cannot be made public.
Regarding relief efforts for flood victims, he said the Prime Minister has directed all cabinet members to visit flood-hit areas and that 70,000 youngsters have been imparted civil defense training with the target to increase the number up to 10,000 in each district to cope with any emergency. 

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