19-08-2010  22:31:51

Malik for handing over donations to only registered organizations

ISLAMABAD, Aug 19 (APP): Interior Minister Rehman Malik on Thursday urged the public to hand over their flood related donations only to the registered organizations.“People are requested to donate to only those organizations which have the permission and certificate from the respective Districts Administrations,” he said while chairing a high level meeting. The meeting reviewed law and order situation in the country.
It has come to the notice of the government that militant organizations are likely to involve themselves into charity work in the flood affected areas.
The prescribed organizations or militant organizations in the garb of charity shall not be allowed to operate in the country. The respective Home Secretaries of all the provinces will constitute a Task Force headed by a DIG to identify such elements and initiate action against such charity organizations.
The local communities have been requested to inform if any suspicious persons are found collecting donations etc.

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