03-09-2010  20:58:37
Religious sects appealed to observe festivals in low profile
ISLAMABAD, Sep 2 (APP): Interior Minister Rehman Malik on Thursday appealed the different religious sects to hold religious gatherings in low profile to avoid terrorist activities.Talking to media person here at the parliament house, he said sometimes publicity attracted anti state forces to subvert meetings including religious gatherings.Therefore, the minister said the religious leaders were needed to observe religious festivals in a restricted manner adding that would also make it convenient for security forces to ensure foolproof security.
Referring to Lahore and Karachi attacks, the minister said some hostile forces were working against integrity and solidarity of the country and pitched one sect against the other.
However, he said that such forces would not succeed in their nefarious designs and action would continue till their complete eradication.
Replying to a question he said that according to the initial information Al-Qaeda and the Taliban were behind the Lahore attacks as they have only suicide attackers.
The minister said all the provincial governments had been instructed that the terrorists could target the soft targets and they were on high alert.
He said the federal government would fully support and assist the provincial governments to maintain peace in their provinces.
Replying to a question, regarding the betting scam of cricket players, Malik said soon FIA team would be sent to the United Kingdom but it would have to work on findings of the of Scotland yard

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