1. Intelligence agencies to liaison with police against terrorists: Malik
    25-07-2010 18:07:13
  2. Pakistan committed to efface terrorism: Rehman Malik
    25-07-2010 18:05:58
  3. RAW's role can't be ruled out; terrorists to be dealt more aggressively: Malik
    25-07-2010 18:04:00
  4. Govt committed to Balochistan's development: Rehman Malik
    25-07-2010 18:02:04
  5. Faisal Shahzad's links traced to SWA: Rehman
    25-07-2010 18:00:51
  6. Chinese envoy calls on Rehman Malik
    25-07-2010 17:59:19
  7. Rs 10 mln prize announced for providing info
    25-07-2010 17:26:20
  8. Malik for not allowing anyone to disturb Karachi's peace
    25-07-2010 17:25:06
  9. President grants pardon to Rehman Malik
    25-07-2010 17:23:53
  10. Saudi envoy calls on interior minister Rehman Malik
    25-07-2010 17:22:56

President confers Nishan-e-Imtiaz on Interior Minister
Rehman announces withdrawal of cases against Baloch exiled leaders
Committee formed to resolve regularization of employees issue in NADRA : Rehman
Malik condemns resolution in US Congress on Balochistan
Malik sees Iran-Pakistan relationship bright
Rehman Malik meets Iranian President
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