International News

Britain’s Hammond to strengthen non-EU ties

LONDON, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – British finance
minister Philip Hammond on Wednesday flies to South Africa, followed by trips next week to Japan and South Korea, as Britain seeks “stronger global ties” before Brexit.
“As we leave the EU, Britain’s future prosperity depends on
maintaining the strongest possible economic links with our European neighbours, while building on the already strong economic partnerships we have with the world beyond Europe,” Chancellor of the Exchequer Hammond said in a Treasury statement.
“In the course of these visits I’ll be discussing how the UK can
deepen its economic and investment ties with these countries and make the most of the opportunities that lie ahead.”
The Treasury added that Hammond, who on Tuesday was in Brussels to
discuss Britain’s impending departure from the European Union, “will embark on a series of international trips to showcase the UK’s commitment to forming even stronger global ties”.
Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May has stated that she will
formally trigger the two-year EU divorce process by the end of March 2017.
However, Brussels and London face the daunting prospect of gruelling
negotiations on future trade deals with the European Union and countries
outside of the bloc.