International News

No military intervention on the table for Libya: Kerry

ROME, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – US Secretary of State John
Kerry has said that there would be no foreign military intervention
in Libya and called for a diplomatic solution as violence flared
in the capital Tripoli.
“Our tools are diplomacy. We are not looking at other
options,” Kerry told journalists alongside his Italian counterpart
Paolo Gentiloni following a summit in Rome on the future of countries
in the Mediterranean region.
“I don’t think any country is prepared to engage in
military action.”
Kerry said that diplomatic efforts had made progress,
disagreeing with Gentiloni who said that negotiations “have
not yet produced results”.
“There has been a significant shift in the last month
of efforts diplomatically to bring general (Khalifa) Haftar
to the table… and create a series of meetings to try to
resolve some differences,” said Kerry, referring to the
military strongman who has refused to support a UN-backed
unity government.