International News

Pakistani Americans dismayed over politics of vengeance at national expense

WASHINGTON, (MILLAT+APP): Expressing their dismay over the state of
politics in their motherland, Pakistani Americans have called for keeping national interest supreme and avoid making statements that could tarnish the country’s image at the international fora.
Many Pakistani Americans, irrespective of their affiliation with
political parties and groups in Pakistan, showed great concern over the irresponsible statements by some opposition leaders, trying to cast aspersion on the country’s Prime Minister at a time when he is representing the country at the World Economic Forum.
They said that such statements, which are then highlighted by the local
media, are damaging the national interests at a time when the country’s leaders will be using a world forum to highlight country’s economic potential and attract foreign investment.
“It doesn’t behoove anyone to make derogatory statements about
someone who is going to represent the country at an event like the World Economic Forum,” Ismail Peracha, a leading businessman in Washington said while referring to the tweets by an opposition leader. “By making such statements, you are not targeting any particular person; you are speaking against your own country.”
He was of the opinion that the Prime Minister was not going on a
personal trip, but representing the country at fora where all world political, economic and business leaders will converge to discuss opportunities for investment and economic, political and business cooperation.
Prime Minster Nawaz Sharif is scheduled to attend World Economic Forum
annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland which runs from January 17-20.
On the sidelines of the meeting, the Prime Minister will meet with world leaders and UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. He will also preside over a round table conference on Investment and economic development in Pakistan.
Talking to APP, many community leaders observed that while
Pakistani Americans use every forum to portray a positive image of their motherland, some politicians back home spare no opportunity to present the country as a “corrupt” nation. “You may have political differences and you are entitled to your opinion, but you should not use world events to portray a bad image of your country.”
Waseem Abbasi, a visiting journalist on Full bright Scholarship, said
our political leadership must be extremely careful while passing remarks and issuing statements at the time of holding of international events such as Davos Economic Forum. “We must be united to protect the honor of our nation. Politics is good in internal affairs but in international affairs internal politics should be shunned in the greater national interest”.
Dr. Ikram ul Haq, an educationist questioned the ethics of speaking on
issues that were sub-judice. “It is very positive to see that our courts are treating everyone equally without anyone’s political or financial status. But let them decide who is right and who is wrong.”
He was of the opinion that public discussions on issues which are
sub-judice are against the ethics of set norms practiced worldwide and aimed to influence the outcome. Dr. Haq said that participants of these talk shows “act like petitioner, jury and judge and adjudge the case by themselves, instead of letting the court make a judgement on merits of the case.”
The WEF will hold discussions on various issues such as “How to Fix
the Middle Class Crisis” and “The Post-EU Era” which will have deep impact on the lives of the common man.
Among the world leaders attending the event is the Chinese President Xi
Jinping, the first-ever Chinese President to attend the annual Davos meet. His presence is being seen as a sign of Beijing’s growing weight in the world at a time when Trump is promising a more insular, “America first” approach and Europe is pre-occupied with its own troubles, from Brexit to terrorism.