International News

Six months in, Brexit shadow looms over PM May

LONDON, MILLAT+(APP/AFP) – British Prime Minister Theresa
May was hailed as a steadying influence when she took over a country deeply divided by the EU referendum, but six months later she is facing widespread criticism for her apparent Brexit indecision.
The Conservative leader’s refusal to outline a detailed strategy for
negotiating Britain’s future ties with the European Union has only deepened
suspicions among politicians of all stripes that she does not have a grand
plan, but the British public still appear to have faith in their leader.
May, the daughter of an Anglican vicar, entered Downing Street on
July 13, promising stability after a tumultuous few weeks following Britain’s shock vote to end its four-decade membership of the EU.
The 60-year-old former interior minister, who kept a low profile on
the Remain side of the referendum campaign, appeared to be a strong and sensible choice to lead the country.
But her tendency towards micromanagement and a perceived pettiness,
demonstrated by the barring of a rebel MP who criticised her leather trousers, have prompted concerns within her own party.
“I never really saw very much imagination, or flexibility, or
instinct, or vision, which I think is what you need in a prime minister,” Liberal Democrat lawmaker Nick Clegg, the former deputy prime minister, told AFP.
May’s talk of standing up for “ordinary working-class people” also
took a hit when she backtracked on plans to rein in excessive executive pay.
However, the prime minister on Sunday attempted to relaunch her
vision of a “shared society” promising in a newspaper article that her government would “deliver real social reform across every layer of society,” although did not outline any policies.