National News

Bilawal Bhutto is hope for democratic Pakistan: PPP

BAHAWALPUR, (MILLAT ONLINE):The leaders of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Bahawalpur chapter have said that chairman PPP, Bilawal Bhutto has become a hope for a democratic and economically thriving Pakistan.
According to a press release issued here on Wednesday, PPP Bahawalpur leaders including Muhammad Saleem Bhatti, Malik Shafqat Mehmood, Muhammad Aasif Bhara, Abdul Rehman Babar, Muhammad Aamir Rajput, Shah Khizar Hassan, Aarif Chohan, Shafiq Solangi, Haji Muhammad Riaz and Hassan Farooq while commenting on recent media interview of their party chairman said: “Bilawal Bhutto through his political wisdom has proved that he has become a hope for a democratic and economically thriving
They said that Bilawal had been following political philosophy of his grandfather, Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto who fought case of protection of rights of downtrodden and suppressed segments of the society adding they said that Mr. Bilawal had also become ideal for youth.