National News

NIA being used as a tool to harass Hurriyet leaders

ISLAMABAD, Jun 20 (APP): The joint resistance leadership
comprising Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Muhammad Yasin
Malik has said that India’s National Investigating Agency (NIA) is
being used as a war weapon to harass the Hurriyet leaders.
Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Muhammad Yasin
Malik in a joint statement issued in Srinagar said, the NIA frames
and raids residences of pro-freedom leaders and activists as a
pre-planned psychological crackdown so that they surrender and
stop voicing the sentiments of their people, KMS reported.
They said that such brutal tactics and coercive measures
could not deter Hurriyet leaders from pursuing their mission, nor
would these coercions and suppressive and aggressive measures
could make them surrender.
Referring to famous religious scholar Dr Zakir Naik, the
leaders said that he too was forced to leave India after framing
of concocted stories against him.
In a similar manner, Indian authorities, in order to defame
freedom movement, are planning to frame fake cases against the
leadership,” they said and warned of dire consequences if this
process (NIA raids) was not stopped forthwith.
The statement said that for past several days, NIA was
unnecessarily questioning Hurriyet leaders, Muhammad Altaf Shah
and Shahid-ul-Islam.
It said that during NIA raids in Srinagar, no any
objectionable material was seized, but through their mischievous
plans, they were trying to get hold of leadership on fictitious
charges as was done in Dr Zakir Naik’s case.
“This has proved beyond any doubt that NIA is not an
autonomous agency but a tool in the hands of fanatical authorities
in New Delhi; and they take undue advantage of this agency against
its opponents or those pursuing their freedom struggle in
Kashmir,” it pointed out.
The resistance leaders maintained that Kashmir dispute is a
reality and through this kind of repressive measures, India will
not be able to achieve any good.
They suggested the Indian authorities that instead of
meddling through these feverish means, they should address the
core issue and provide an opportunity to the Kashmiri people to
decide their political future by themselves.
It will definitely make an end to prevailing political
uncertainty in Jammu and Kashmir and also boost economy of Indian
citizens, they added.