National News

Puppet regime extending GST to IoK deceitfully: JKCC

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE)::The traders’ body, Jammu and Kashmir Coordination Committee (JKCC) in Indian occupied Kashmir has said that the puppet administration is extending Goods and Services Tax (GST) to the territory in a deceitful manner.
According to Kashmir Media Service , JKCC Convener Siraj Ahmad addressing a press conference in held Srinagar said, “The GST has further eroded our autonomy” and the administration is taking pride in it.
“The JKCC tried a lot to convince the administration about its outcome, but they were in a hurry to implement GST without listening to anyone or seeing any reason.”
He reiterated the traders’ demand of withdrawal of presidential order by virtue of which GST was extended to Kashmir. “We demand roll back of GST in present form and declaration of JK as Free Economic Zone,” he said.
The trade body said the PDP Member of parliament Muzaffar Hussain Beig and Finance Minister, Haseeb Drabu, were playing a pivotal role in eroding territory’s fiscal autonomy by misleading people”.
JKCC Co-Convener, Mubeen Shah said that the puppet administration should be held accountable for extending the GST to Jammu and Kashmir in present form.
“The erosion of Jammu and Kashmir Special Status and its fiscal autonomy by implementation of the GST has even been acknowledged by the Indian National Congress Party which stated that the law would infringe upon the Special Status of J&K,” he said.