National News

SSP reviews security arrangements for Muharram

HYDERABAD, Sept. 22 (APP): The SSP Jamshoro district has informed that 193 mourning processions and 317 Majalis will be organized in the district during first 10 day of Muharram.
While talking to the media during a visit to check security of mosques, imam bargahs and routes of the processions in Jamshoro on Friday, the SSP told that 3,400 policemen and 200 personnel of Rangers had been deployed for the duty.
He added that 2 platoons of the army and Frontier Constabulary had been kept on the standby to respond to any untoward incident.
The SSP further informed that a control room had been set up at his office and its phone numbers 0229213668 and 0229213669 had been shared with organizers of the processions and majalis.
He said the organizers had been requested to follow the designated routes and pre-decided schedule for the processions and majalis.
Deputy Commissioner Jamshoro Mutassam Abbassi and other security officials accompanied the SSP during the visit.