International News

Pilot error behind ‘black eagles jet’s crash in Singapore: Air Force

Pilot error behind ‘black eagles jet’s crash in Singapore: Air Force

SEOUL, (MILLAT ONLINE)::Pilot error was to blame for the crash of an aircraft belonging to South Korea’s military aerobatic team in Singapore last month, the Air Force announced Wednesday.
The T-50 Golden Eagle jet crashed on Feb 6 while taking off for an aerial display at the opening of an international air show there. No one was hurt.
“There was no aircraft flaw at the time of the accident,” the Air Force told reporters in a briefing on the results of its own probe.
The accident was attributable to the pilot’s “failure to abide by” normal operation procedures needed for takeoff, it added.
The T-50 supersonic jet was produced by Korea Aerospace Industries Co. (KAI), South Korea’s sole aircraft manufacturer. It’s one of the country’s main defence export items, Yonhap reported.