International News

Nepal sacks quake reconstruction chief

KATHMANDU, MILLAT+(APP/AFP) – Nepal on Wednesday
sacked the chief of its earthquake reconstruction body, a move seen by critics as politically motivated and likely to further delay rebuilding following the April 2015 disaster.
Sushil Gyewali was appointed head of the National Reconstruction
Authority (NRA) a year ago after months of political wrangling over who should lead the agency.
The NRA is tasked with spending the $4.1 billion pledged by
international donors to help the impoverished Himalayan nation rebuild following the quake that killed more than 9,000 people and destroyed half a million homes.
But a change in government in August saw Gyewali’s political backers,
the CPN-UML party, shift to the opposition bench and a new coalition of the main Maoist party and Nepali Congress take power.