International News

Trump digs deep rift with crucial intelligence services

WASHINGTON, MILLAT+(APP/AFP) – A week before he enters
the White House, Donald Trump has picked a high-risk fight with the all-important US intelligence community, blaming it for an incendiary but unsubstantiated report on his alleged Moscow ties and lurid behavior in Russia.
Trump on Wednesday accused US spies of leaking the report, a dossier
prepared for US politicians by a British private consultant, to the media to
sabotage him, calling it a “disgraceful” act worthy of Germany’s Nazi regime.
The outburst prompted a late night call from National Intelligence
Director James Clapper, who told the president-elect he did not believe the leak came from the intelligence agencies.
“I emphasized that this document is not a US Intelligence Community
product and that I do not believe the leaks came from within the IC,” Clapper said in a statement.