National News

Markets flooded with beggars, seeking alms during holy month

ISLAMABAD, June 11 (APP): In the holy month of Ramzan,
markets of twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad seem
flooded with beggars trying to grab sympathy of people with
different tactics.
Pakistanis, who are atop globally for giving maximum alms,
become somewhat more generous in Ramzan and beggars take full
advantage of this characteristic.
Women carrying new born babies are seen sitting at the
pedestrians bridges, center of markets bus-stops or at the
rush areas asking alm-money for children.
Another popular trend is beggars showing medical reports
or prescriptions to passengers at bus stops, outside medical
stores, hospitals.
While at traffic signals beggars of different age groups
rather ask for money directly or by selling trivial stuff like
pens, cloths for cleaning cars, newspapers, gloves, blinds etc.
or offering services like cleaning of wind screen in scorching
heat, just to get some money.
In evening when people come out with their families, they
face another type of beggars who sit in the middle of chowks
or some busy place with ‘wounded’ children.
Shops of eatables are the most favourite target of women
holding infants asking for money whereas the dangerous trend
of small children, demanding money or food is also on the
These professionals beggars get the share of genuine needy
people, however, it is responsibility of people to opt for
deserving, rather than giving money to these fake beggars.