National News

Pakistan raising Indian atrocities on Kashmiris at int’l forums: Sartaj

ISLAMABAD, Jun 11 (APP): Adviser to the Prime Minister for
Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz Sunday said that Pakistan was
highlighting continued Indian atrocities on innocent Kashmiris
at all international forums.
He said the situation in the occupied Kashmir was worsening.
The people of Kashmir were protesting against Indian barbarism, he
said talking to a private news channel.
Sartaj said Pakistan had raised the Kashmir issue at
international forums including United Nations General Assembly
(UNGA). Besides writting letters, the international community was
being pursued in bilateral meetings to help resolve the Kashmir
issue, he added.
Commenting on Indian violations along Line of Control (LoC),
Sartaj Aziz said Pakistan’s valiant armed forces were giving
a befitting response to the enemy.
Replying to a question, he said Pakistan was fighting
a successful war against terrorism.