National News

PPP Senator Farhatullah Babar resigns from defence committee

PPP Senator Farhatullah Babar resigns from defence committee

PPP’s Senator Farhatullah Babar resigned from the Senate’s Standing Committee on Defence on Friday.

He refused to comment on the reasons for his resignation but raised questions over parliamentarians visiting the General Headquarters (GHQ).

When the GHQ was asked to produce documents by the parliament, it was informed that sensitive documents cannot be brought out of the GHQ,
Babar said while talking to DawnNews after his resignation. “Can the GHQ not ensure security of sensitive documents for even 15 kilometres?”
Babar asked, adding that the “GHQ should come to the parliament rather than the parliament going to the GHQ”.

Babar will be replaced by PPP’s Farooq H. Naek in the committee.

Members of the standing committees of defence of the Senate and National Assembly had visited the GHQ and met with the Chief of Army Staff last month.
During the visit, Army Chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa had said that he wanted enhanced interaction with parliament.