International News

Kyrgyzstan recovers bodies from plane crash site

  • BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – Kyrgyzstan on Tuesday was observing a day of mourning as it recovered the bodies of the dozens of people killed when a Turkish cargo plane crashed into a village outside the capital a day ago. Authorities in the Central Asian country have blamed pilot error for Monday’s crash of a cargo […]

  • German court to rule on banning far-right party

    BERLIN, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – Germany’s highest court will on Tuesday announce its ruling on whether to ban the far-right NPD party — an explosive issue as Germany faces an election year roiled by an anti-immigration backlash. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government supports the case, although the executive has not formally joined the high-stakes legal gamble, launched by […]

  • Dutch vote to set off Europe’s ‘super election year’

    THE HAGUE,(MILLAT+APP/AFP) – Dutch voters head to crunch parliamentary polls in two months’ time, heralding the start of a “super election year” in three of Europe’s leading economies: The Netherlands, France and Germany. After the surprise Brexit result in Britain and as Donald Trump’s inauguration looms on Friday in the United States, the spotlight is […]

  • Barack Obama’s speeches, from Cairo to Charleston

    WASHINGTON, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – Throughout his presidency, Barack Obama — an eloquent and talented orator with undeniable charisma — has taken particular care in the writing of his speeches, several of which have marked milestones in his White House tenure. “Some of the craft of writing a good speech is identical to any other good writing,” […]

  • N. Korea tells Obama to get “packing”

    SEOUL, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – North Korea denounced outgoing US President Barack Obama for blacklisting leader Kim Jong-Un’s sister over human rights abuses, urging him to concentrate on “packing” as he exits the White House. The US Treasury Department last week added seven individuals — among them Kim’s younger sister Yo-Jong — to America’s growing list of […]

  • Obama leaves symbolic legacy in Africa

    ACCRA, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – It was always going to be hard for outgoing US President Barack Obama to live up to expectations in Africa. Born to a Kenyan father who once herded goats, the first black US president was seen as Africa’s prodigal son who would understand the continent in a way white presidents never could. […]