International News

France votes to extend state of emergency to July 15

  • PARIS, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – France’s parliament voted early Wednesday to extend a national state of emergency until July 15, after next year’s elections. The security measures, in force since attacks in Paris that killed 130 people in November 2015, are now expected to be approved by the Senate on Thursday. It is the fifth extension of […]

  • Fears of chemical arms use against IS-held area in Syria

    THE HAGUE, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – A global watchdog raised fears Tuesday that chemical weapons may have been used in air strikes by Syrian regime loyalists near Palmyra, in an area controlled by the Islamic State group. “The allegations regarding the use of chemical weapons in the area of (Oqayrabat), in the Hama governorate in Syria, reported […]

  • Vietnam jails people smugglers deported from Australia

    HANOI, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – A Vietnam court has convicted four men of people-smuggling after they tried to sail to Australia with a boatload of migrants but were turned back under Canberra’s hardline immigration policy. Australia does not accept so-called boat people from any nation and the country has come under fire for holding migrants in isolated […]

  • US Osprey flights in Japan halted after crash

    TOKYO, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – The US Marines on Wednesday suspended their controversial Osprey flights in Japan as anger mounts over an accident that saw the aircraft apparently crash land off the southern island of Okinawa. Five crew members aboard the MV-22 Osprey were injured late Tuesday when the tilt-rotor aircraft suffered a “mishap” and landed in […]

  • Trump picks ExxonMobil chief Rex Tillerson as top diplomat

    WASHINGTON,(MILLAT+APP/AFP) – President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday tapped ExxonMobil chief Rex Tillerson, an oilman with deep ties to Russia, as his secretary of state. Tillerson’s nomination comes just days after a secret CIA report accused Russia of interfering with the US election in favor of Trump, in a development which could complicate his confirmation.

  • China warns Trump of ‘crushing his own toes’ on Taiwan

    BEIJING, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – China offered its sternest rebuke yet to Donald Trump, saying anyone who challenges Beijing’s interests in Taiwan will “lift a rock only to crush his own toes”. “If he tries to sabotage the One China policy or harm China’s core interests, ultimately he will lift a rock only to crush his own […]