Business News

Pb Govt decides to export potatoes

LAHORE, Mar 13 (APP): The Punjab government has decided to
export potatoes to other countries on a massive level as farmers
and exporters have responded positively.
According to the agriculture department, the Punjab government
in cooperation with the federal government is trying to create a
friendly environment for farmers where they may earn good
profits as Pakistan is enjoying a bumper potato crop this
During last three months, 1.2 lakh metric ton potatoes
have been exported to Russia, Sri-Lanka, United Arab Emirates,
Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Somalia, Singapore and Maldives.
In a statement issued here, Dr. Farrukh Javed, Minister
for Agriculture Punjab, said there was no duty on the export of
potatoes and the government was facilitating exporters.
He said potato had been cultivated over four lakh
acres this year which was 3.5 per cent higher than the last
He said keeping in view the average production of
last five years at 3.36 million ton (95%) in Punjab, there
will be still a surplus of at least 0.3 million ton minimum
in Punjab which should be exported.
Our prime objective was that growers should get maximum
benefit of their hardwork and a better price could be offered
to them, he added.
He said the government was spending billions of rupees on
several projects related to agriculture for the benefit of
the farming community.