Business News

Shipping Activity at Port Qasim

KARACHI, (APP): Brisk shipping was recorded at the Port
where six ships C.V Maersk Detroit, M.V Han De, M.V Alam Mutiara, M.T
Agiri, M.T Al-Gottara and M.T Feng Hai-6 carrying Containers, 1,498
tonnes General cargo, 40,000 tonnes Coal, 61,498 tonnes Furnace oil,
141,000m3 LNG and 18,500 tonnes Palm oil were allotted berths at Qasim
International Container Terminal, multi Purpose Terminal, FOTCO Oil
terminal, Engro Elengy Terminal and Liquid Cargo Terminal respectively
on Tuesday, 1st March-2016.
Berth occupancy was managed at the Port at Sixty percent on
Tuesday where a total of nine ships namely C.V Maersk Detroit, C.V Al-
Rowdah, C.V MSC Joanna, M.V Han De. M.V Alam Mutiara, M.V Pobur, M.T
Agiri, M.T Al-Gattara and M.T Feng Hai-6 are currently occupying
berths to load/offload Containers, Cement, General cargo, Coal, Canola
Seeds, Furnace oil, LNG and Palm oil respectively during last 24
Cargo handing operation were carried out efficiently at the Port
on Tuesday where a cargo volume of 159,420 tonnes, comprising 103,742
tonnes imports and 55,678 tonnes export, inclusive of containerized
cargo carried in 4,327 Containers (TEUs) was handled during last 24
Container ship ‘Maersk Detroit’ sailed out to sea Tuesday morning
while another Container ship `Al-Rowadah’ is expected to sail on same
day afternoon.
Arrival Schedule:
Two ships, C.V Maersk Karachi and M.t White Purl carrying
Containers and LPG are expected to take berths at Container Terminal
respectively on Wednesday, 2nd March-2016, while three more Container
ships `MSC Beijing; `Jadrana’ and `Maipo’ are due to arrive at port
Qasim on Thursday, 3rd March-2016.