Business News

Shipping Activity at Port Qasim

KARACHI, (APP)- C.V Maipo carrying Containers was
allotted berth at Qasim International Container Terminal on Thursday
April 28.
Meanwhile five more ships namely M.T Al-Sheehaniya, M.T Sea
Fortune, C.V Norstar Intrepid, C.V MSC Lucy and C.V Rio Bravo
carrying LNG, Chemicals and Containers also arrived at outer anchorage
of Port Qasim (PQ) during last 24 hours.
Berth occupancy was maintained at the Prot at 47% on
thursday where a total of Seven ships namely, C.V Maipo, C.V Maersk
Stepnica, C.V UASC Al-Khor, M.V Johar Express, M.V Hope Star, M.V
Amaithia, and M.T Okyroe were occupied PQA berths to load/ offload
Containers, Cement, Soya Bean seeds, Clinker and Furnace oil
respectively during last 24 hours.
A cargo volume during last 24 hours stood at 132,692 tonnes,
comprising 95,835 tonnes imports and 36,857 tonnes exports, inclusive
of containerized cargo carried in 3,562 containers (TEUs) (1,772 TEUs
imports and 1,790 TEUS exports) was handled at the Port.
Two Container ships Maersk Stepnica and UASC Al-Khor sailed out
to sea during last 24 hours. An oil tanker Okyroe and Container ship
Maipo are expected to sail on Friday (today).
Outer Anchorage: Following ships are currently at outer anchorage.
Ships Name Commodity Agent
Omera Queen Furnace Oil PNSC
Karachi Furnace Oil PNSC
Norstar Intrepid Diesel Oil Trans Marine
MSC Lucy Containers MSC Pak
Rio Bravo Containers UMA
Sea Fortune Chemicals Alpine Marine
Al-Sheehaniya LNG G.A.C
A total of six ships C.V Rio Bravo, C.V MSC Lucy, C.V Maersk
Innoshima, M.T Norslar Intrepid, M.T Sea Fortune and M.T Al-Sheehaniya
carrying Containers, Diesel Oil, Chemicals and LNG are expected to
take berths at Container Terminal, Fotco Terminal, Engro Terminal and
Elengy Terminal respectively on Friday, 29th April 2016. While three
more ships C.V MSC Albany, C.V Samarine Nyassa and M.T Jipro Neftis
with Containers and Palm oil are due to arrive at port Qasim on
Saturday, 30th April, 2016 and C.V Anke is due to arrive on Sunday,
1st May 2016.