Business News

Shipping activity at Port Qasim

KARACHI, (APP): Shipping activity remained active at the
Port where four ships C.V New Jersey Trader, M.V Malakand, M.T As
Olivia and M.T Al-Dasma carrying Containers, Canola Seeds, chemicals
and Diesel oil were allotted berths at Qasim International Container
Terminal, Grain & Fertilizer Terminal, Engro Vopak Terminal, Engro
Vopak Terminal and FOTCO Oil Terminal respectively on Sunday, 17th
Meanwhile two more ships Al-Rawadah and Lime galaxy with
Containers and Chemicals also arrive outer anchorage of Port Qasim
during last 24 hours.
Berth occupancy was observed at the Port at 53% on Sunday where a
total of eight ships namely C.V New Jersey Trader. C.V MSC Tomoko, C.V
Huogo Schulte, M.V Crystal Glaxy, M.V Malakand, M.T As Olivia, M.T Al-
Dasma and M.T GSW Fighter are currently occupying berths to
load/offload Containers, respectively during last 24 hours.
Cargo handling operation were carried out efficiently at the Port
where a cargo volume of 145,742 tonnes, comprising 81,142 tonnes
imports and 64,600 tonnes exports, inclusive of containerized cargo
carried in 4,536 Containers (TEUs)(1,136 TEUs imports & 3,400 TEUS
exports) was handled during last 24 hours.
Three ships, C.V MSC Tomoko and C.V TG Rose loon sailed out to
sea on Monday morning, while another ship C.V New Jerse Trader is
expected to sail on same day (today).
Container vessel `Al-Rowadah’ is expected to take berth at
Container Terminal on Monday, 18th April-2016. While M.V Sea Potentia
and M.T Orient Nedeshiko carrying General cargo and Chemicals are due
to arrive at Port Qasim on same day and on oil tanker `Karachi’is due
to arrive on Tuesday, 19th April-2016.