Business News

Wheat procurement from May 1

FAISALABAD, (APP): All arrangements have been completed to
start wheat procurement in district Faisalabad from May 1 (Sunday).
A spokesman of the Food department said here Friday that earlier,
the wheat procurement was scheduled to start from April 20 but due to unsuitable weather,the procurement was postponed for some days.
As many as 11 wheat procurement centers have been setup across
the district.The issuance of bardana (gunny bags) to the growers has already been started.However,small growers were being given
priority in the issuance of bardana,he added.
He said that wheat would be purchased from the growers at government’s fixed rate of Rs. 1300/-per 40 kilogram,whereas farmers will also
be given Rs. 9 per bag as additional charge for the delivery of wheat at the procurement center.
He said under the given policy middlemen and commission agents
were being discouraged.