International News

Assange’s internet cut by ‘state party’: WikiLeaks

LONDON, United Kingdom, Oct 18, (APP/AFP) – WikiLeaks on Monday claimed Ecuador cut the internet connection of its founder Julian Assange, who is staying at the country’s embassy in London, claiming the move was in response to the group’s publication of documents related to US presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton. “We can confirm Ecuador cut off Assange’s internet access Saturday, 5pm GMT, shortly after publication of Clinton’s Goldman Sachs speeches,” WikiLeaks said on Twitter. The anti-security website had previously said the internet connection had been “intentionally severed by a state party” in response to the Clinton leaks. “We have activated the appropriate contingency plans,” WikiLeaks wrote earlier on Monday. Three paid speeches to Goldman Sachs by US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton were released by WikiLeaks on Saturday, followed by the publication of further documents on Monday.