International News

British press rakes over PM’s ‘brutal’ Brexit reshuffle

LONDON, July 15, (APP/AFP) – Britain’s newspapers on
Friday said new Prime Minister Theresa May had shown steel in her ruthless axing of the cabinet’s “old guard”.
Some dailies focused on her promotion of state-educated MPs and
reflected on outgoing prime minister David Cameron’s new life outside office.
“May’s radical reshuffle stuns the old guard”, said The Guardian’s front
page, with headshots of the six women she has appointed to cabinet posts.
“Theresa May drew a decisive line under the Cameron era yesterday,
with a sweeping reshuffle in which several of his key ministers were sacked and her handpicked team was rewarded with cabinet posts,” it said.
In its editorial, the liberal daily said May had shown steel, but
asked, “for what purpose?”
“This highly symbolic show of strength will have many unintended
consequences,” it said.
Ruthlessness and surprise are useful qualities for a prime minister,
but they “count for little without clarity” about their purpose.
“May axes Cameron allies in ruthless cabinet cull”, said The Times’
front page headline.
Its editorial, entitled “May contain nuts”, said the new premier
faced a difficult task in negotiating Brexit, but “instability at the heart of her cabinet” caused by bringing in “several explosive egos… will make it harder still”.
Her reshuffle fell between continuity and a break, it said.
“Mrs May had the daunting task of putting a party back together while
simultaneously indicating a vision for doing the same to the country. She did not quite manage it.”