International News

Brussels police clash with far-right mob at attacks shrine

BRUSSELS, March 27, (APP/AFP) – Belgian riot police fired water cannon on Sunday to disperse far-right football hooligans who disrupted mourners at a shrine for victims of the Brussels attacks, as police
arrested several suspects in a series of new raids.
In scenes that compounded a week of grief for Belgians, black-clad
protesters shouting anti-immigrant slogans moved in on the makeshift memorial at Place de la Bourse where hundreds of people had gathered in a show of solidarity.
Under-fire Belgian authorities meanwhile detained four terror suspects after carrying out 13 raids as they seek to round up a web of militants with links to the carnage in the Belgian capital and to attacks and plots across the border in France.
The clashes between the far-right demonstrators and police underscored the tensions in Belgium after Tuesday’s Islamic State suicide attacks on the airport and the metro system in which 28 people died and
340 were wounded.
“This is our home” and “The state, Daesh accomplice” around 200 hooligans chanted, using an alternate term for IS, as they gathered near
the square by the stock exchange building, which has been covered in flowers, candles and messages by mourners.
– ‘Fascists! Fascists!’ –
Police urged the mourners, who included some Muslims, not to provoke the hooligans, but some joined in chanting “Fascists! Fascists! We’re not having it!”
Riot police with helmets and shields corralled the hooligans before
dispersing them with high power water jets, and marshalling them onto trains
out of the city, AFP journalists witnessed.
Around ten people were arrested, police told AFP.
Brussels mayor Yvan Mayeur said police had done “nothing” to stop
the hooligans coming to Brussels despite having advance warning, adding that he was “appalled” that “such thugs have come to provoke residents at the site of their memorial.”
Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel said he “emphatically” condemned the demonstration.
The mourners gathered despite the fact that organisers had earlier called off a “March Against Fear” in Brussels on Sunday at the request of Belgianauthorities, who said police needed the resources for the attacks investigation.
– Cross-border terror links –
As Belgium struggles to come to terms with the tragedy, recriminations continue over whether the authorities could and should have done more to prevent the carnage, as the links to the November Paris attacks by IS grow clearer by the day.
Police carried out 13 raids Sunday across Brussels and the towns of Duffel and Mechelen to the north, the federal prosecutor said, questioning nine people and holding four for further inquiries.
A magistrate will decide later whether they will be put in preventive
detention, it said.
In the latest piece in the puzzle of the militant networks
straddling France and Belgium, prosecutors said they had charged a second man with involvement in a terror group over a foiled plot to strike
The suspect, Abderamane A., was the second person to be charged by Brussels prosecutors in as many days in connection with Thursday’s arrest
of a man near Paris who had assault weapons and explosives in his flat and who was allegedly plotting a new attack in France.
Overnight, Italian police arrested an Algerian national in
connection with the production of fake ID documents used by the Paris and Brussels attackers, suggesting their networks spread far and wide and will not be easy to dismantle.
Meanwhile, the Belgian Crisis Centre said 28 people had died in the airport and metro attacks, down from an initial toll of 31 which had included the three suicide bombers.
Of the 28 who died, 24 have been identified, among them 13 Belgians and 11 foreign nationals, it said. A total 340 people from 19 countries were wounded, of whom 101 remain in hospital — 62 of them in intensive care.